martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

Habla el CEO de Twitter

I Want Media entrevista a Jack Dorsey, CEO de Twitter. Entre las respuestas más interesantes están estas dos:

IWM: Is Twitter superior to traditional blogging?

Dorsey: It depends on how you use it. I don't think it will ever replace blogging. I don't think it will ever replace newspapers. We will always need a medium that carries more words and explores a topic in a greater detail. We will always need more journalistic research. We will always need video and images. Twitter doesn't replace any of those things. But it complements them quite well.

IWM: How can Twitter benefit traditional journalists?

Dorsey: We've heard from a number of organizations -- even as old as Reuters -- that are building tools to monitor what's going on with Twitter to help conform what they need to focus on in terms of writing their articles.
Twitter provides a great man-on-the-street account of what's happening right now. The minute the Los Angeles earthquake struck [in July 2008] there was an update on Twitter, which was followed by thousands of more updates, until nine minutes later the first reports came out on the AP wire. Twitter is very good at immediacy.

Recientemente, Ric Sánchez, periodista de CNN, lanzó el primer autodenominado "Twitter Show".

Y Current TV, el proyecto de TV por Internet de Al Gore, anunció que publicará los Tweets -- como llaman a los mensajes de 140 caracteres generados con Twitter -- de sus usuarios durante la transmisión de los debates entre Obama y McCain.

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